How did the Señorita Lylo project come about? What made you fall in love with embroidery?
The Srta. Lylo project came about without any conscious effort. It started about ten years ago, when I was trying really hard to get pregnant but, after quite a few attempts, found out I wouldn’t be able to naturally and would need to undergo treatment. Faced with all that frustration, I started taking all kinds of classes to soothe my anxiety. I always looked for workshops that allowed me to learn and develop manual skills because I spent all day seated in front of the computer. I’m a graphic designer and have always been very creative and curious.
Motherhood never happened for me, but during that time I discovered something new: embroidery. I started taking all the classes available to me, I was like a sponge absorbing all the knowledge. I began to learn different techniques and started making different kinds of pieces. And then I was given the opportunity to participate in Agustina Guerrero’s book “Diario de una volátil”, and I contributed with a two-page embroidery piece. That was the launch pad for me to get my name out there and everything to start, and with it, Srta. Lylo. Learning to embroider helped me develop patience and be at peace with life. When I sit down with my needles and thread and start a new hoop, everything calms down. I focus in on that exact moment, the sound of the needle piercing the fabric, my fingers caressing the stitches as they come together. I always say that my embroidery pieces are the sum, a collection of my minutes, hours, and days translated into single, unique pieces. And that is what I love about embroidery.