Interview with Yolanda Rodríguez

N.: A color
Y.R.: Black

N.: An aroma
Y.R.: Chanel number 5

N.: A texture
Y.R.: The sand

N.: A destination
Y.R.: Hawaii

N.: Do you prefer day or night?
Y.R.: I have always preferred the day, I just make better use of my time then.

N.: How did you decide that this is what you want to do?
Y.R.: I started surfing when I was child; I've always been very fond of being in the sea. When it comes to fashion and advertising, I think this came along with the surfing, some years later. There were always brands sponsoring me or I would model for them.

N.: A project you will never forget.
Y.R.: The Can Surfing Project, sponsored by Valva and Cabreiroá. We went on this trip chasing waves all around Galicia with a group of surfers; I enjoyed every bit of it. I was 12 back then and felt very grateful to take such trip and to learn from them.

N.: A project that you would like to work on.
Y.R.: I would like to make a project focused on sustainability and equality for sportswomen.

N.: An artist you admire.
Y.R.: I really admire Bethany Hamilton, for she is an amazing person and a real superwoman in sports, as a mother and as an individual.

N.: Choose a part of the body and tell us why.
Y.R.: The head. I believe that what we have inside of it plays an essential role in keeping us healthy in the other departments.

N.: Something that really excites you.
Y.R.: When the sea is high during a competition.

N.: A place in Ferrol that we shouldn’t miss.
Y.R.: There are many charming places to visit in Ferrol, notably the old town, the harbour and some wonderful wild beaches.

N.: How did you find out about us?
Y.R.: On social media. I loved your brand essence and what you communicate.

N.: Your favorite Naguisas.
Y.R.: I like many models but I think I'll stick with MARGA, in both MULTICOLOR and black.

N.: Lastly, is there anything else you would like to say? Any message to send to the universe? Or to somebody in particular? This is your time to do it…
Y.R.: Thank you for the interview. I'd like to use this opportunity to say: "Be responsible in this difficult situation caused by Coronavirus”.