Do you remember how you first discovered Naguisa and your initial impression of the brand?
Absolutely! I discovered the brand while researching Made in Spain footwear for an article in Girly Girl Magazine. We wanted to highlight unique, sustainable projects with a soul, and right away, I saw it was a brand I could connect with.
Do you feel aligned with Naguisa's values?
Very much. A while back, I started changing my relationship with clothes and how I consume. I support smaller projects with real people behind them who tell a story beyond just selling products. I appreciate that Naguisa produces in Spain, is socially responsible, and creates quality, timeless footwear. I don’t want shoes, and I’ll wear them for one season and then toss them. I love knowing that, year after year, I can pull them out of the box during wardrobe changeovers and feel that same excitement of having them in my closet.