SHOP STORIES: Les Trésors Partagés

This weekend we’re traveling to Nantes to introduce you to Églantine and her shop, Les Trésors Partagés.
In 2016, Églantine decided to open a shop that was committed to promoting ethical and sustainable fashion brands, footwear brands that based their productions on craftsmanship, and cosmetics with organic, cruelty-free formulas. A completely revolutionary idea back then!
Today she is opening the doors of Les Trésors Partagés and inviting us in to discover more of her world in the interview you can find in our Magazine.

N.: Who is Eglantine? How would you define yourself? (Or give us a brief explanation of something about yourself.)
E.: I'm an explosive woman. If a music song likes me a lot, I can’t be jumping from my chair and dance!

N.: When did you open Les Trésors Partagés? Could you give us a brief history of your shop? What prompted you to take the step of setting up your own business?
E.: I opened the shop in 2014 when ethical fashion had not the wind in. One year before i was drinking a coffee with my husband in « le marais » in Paris and he asked me «why don’t you open your ethical fashion shop? You LOVE fashion and you are really sensitive to environmental questions! » and that’s what i did ;)

N.: A moment you!ll always remember.
E.: The day «I do»; the 13th august 2016; there were all what I love; friends, family, sun, food, music and party!!

N.: What do you think our philosophy contributes to Les Trésors Partagés? And to your clients?
E.: Naguisa represents slow fashion, quality, comfort, craftsmanship and that’s what my clients want and me too

N.: How would you define working with the Naguisa team? To you, what is it that makes us different?
E.: A small attentive team, it’s really cool!

N.: Of all our designs to date, which is your favourite?
E.: All the ones in braided leather, particularly the GREDA ones in white.