Inclement weather makes us better people. More creative, more empathetic, more honest, more supportive... in short, more human. These days, we are all trying to help a little from our living rooms, to do our bit in this unprecedented crisis. We reach out to our elderly neighbours, we shop in small neighbourhood shops so that they do not go extinct, we share practical and functional content with friends, we write anonymous letters to those admitted to the ICU or we sew masks from our homes. Each one of us, with our own resources, seeks ingenuity to protect a group at risk or support an initiative. Naguisa also wanted to contribute by joining the #YoMeCorono initiative, a campaign created by the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital in Badalona, ​​together with the Fight Against AIDS Foundation and the Irsicaix Foundation, to raise funds to work on the vaccine to end COVID-19 and try to stop the transmission of the virus by creating drugs and antibodies. This initiative is the first trial approved by the Spanish Medicines Agency and aims to define which drugs will serve to immediately treat those infected and prevent contagion in contacts. Until April 13, Naguisa will allocate 5% of sales to this solidarity project, trying to collaborate with the early eradication of the pandemic. If you want more information about the #YoMeCorono initiative or if you are also looking to support this cause, the project is explained on their website: yomecorono.com