Interview with Maria Adánez

N.: A color.
MA: The green one.

N.: A scent.
MA: To figs.

N.: A texture.
MA: Cotton.

N.: A destination.
MA: Menorca

N.: Do you prefer night or day? Or does it depend on what?
MA: Day, always day. At night I have always been a baby.

N.: How did you decide that this was what you wanted to do?
MA: I was lucky to find my calling as an actress when I was only 5 years old.

N.: A day you will never forget.
MA: The day my father passed away.

N.: A project you would like to work on.
MA: A good dramatic character in a television series.

N.: An actor/actress you admire.
MA: Timothée Chalamet.

N.: A person close to you whom you also admire.
MA: To my partner, the neurologist Ignacio Hernández Medrano.

N.: Choose a body part and tell us why.
MA: The eyes, the look. In an actor, the look is everything.

N.: Something that really excites you.
MA: My cat Mari Gaila. And her little brother who just arrived home, Séptimo.

N.: A dish that makes your mouth water?
MA: There are many!

N.: A musician whom you always carry with you.
MA: Flamenco, always!

N.: A place in Madrid that we shouldn't miss.
MA: Retiro Park and its statue of Benito Pérez Galdós. Our most important writer after Cervantes. This year is his centenary.

N.: Maria, actress. (how would you define yourself)
MA: Intuitive and sensitive.

N.: How did you meet Naguisa?
MA: Through social media.

N.: Your favorite Naguisa?
MA: This year's mountain-inspired ones. They're very comfortable and ideal!

N.: Finally, is there anything you would like to add? Any message to send to the universe, or to someone in particular? This is your time to do so…
MA: The universe already knows what I have asked for and it is already arriving, it is already on its way❤️