Cecilia Renard
Looking at Cecilia Renard 's photographs is like reading a diary. Everyday life happens and she records it with a subtlety and silence typical of someone who focuses on the details.
Skin and the sea can provoke the same calm. In his photographs, moments seem to be held in an almost dreamlike time. Entering his universe means walking down a path at dusk, imagining the taste of freshly washed fruit, listening to the way the trees make their branches collide in the force of the wind.
Cecilia Renard, like Naguisa, prefers what happens slowly, what is done with love, what refers to identity and makes matter a poetic gesture .
When we met Cecilia at Naguisa, our souls shrank and expanded in a matter of seconds. We knew then that she was the one who had to photograph our collections and we made way for it to happen. The connection was as natural as it was obvious and Cecilia became part of Naguisa behind the lens, and that's the way it was meant to be.
This collaboration has allowed Cecilia to describe, through her camera and our Agrarian collection , the relationship between craftsmanship and landscape. Rooted in the past and designed to last for a long time. As reflected in any of his images, in any object there is an added value that transcends function and becomes art.
Today, a carefully selected photographic archive of Cecilia Renard, in postcard format and also in 21.4 x 32.1cm, will be on sale for you in our Ciutadella store . A photographic exhibition “without a name”, so that you yourself can choose that attribute that suggests to you the beautiful pleasure of looking slowly at her photographs, as if time did not pass, or had a different rhythm, the one that you also decide.