Interview with Yolanda Rodriguez
N.: A color
YR: Black
N.: A scent
YR: Chanel number 5
N.: A texture
YR: The sand
N.: A destination
YR: Hawaii
N.: Do you prefer night or day? Or does it depend on what?
YR: I always prefer the day, for some time now I have been taking advantage of it much more.
N.: How did you decide that this was what you wanted to do?
YR: Regarding surfing, I have been practicing it since I was very little and I have always been passionate about being in the sea. As for fashion and advertising, I think that everything came about through surfing years later since I always had brands that supported me or I modeled for them.
N.: A project you will never forget.
YR: The Can Surfing Project, a trip sponsored by Valva and Cabreiroá in which a group of surfers went all over Galicia looking for waves and enjoying every minute with them. I was 12 years old and I really appreciated going on a trip with them and being able to learn from them.
N.: A project you would like to work on.
YR: I would like to organize an event supporting sustainability and equality for female athletes.
N.: An artist you admire.
YR: I really admire Bethany Hamilton, she is an incredible person and a superwoman, both in sports, as a mother and as a person.
N.: A person close to you whom you also admire.
YR: My mother.
N.: Choose a body part and tell us why.
YR: The head, I think what we have inside our head is one of the most important things to keep us healthy from the rest of things.
N.: Something that really excites you.
YR: When the sea is big in a competition.
N.: A dish that makes your mouth water?
YR: Rice with seafood.
N.: A musician whom you always carry with you.
YR: Coldplay.
N.: A place in Ferrol that we shouldn't miss.
YR: There are many charming places in Ferrol, especially the old town, the port area and the wonderful wild beaches.
N.: How did you meet Naguisa?
YR: The truth is that it was through social media, I loved your essence as a brand and what you convey.
N.: Your favorite Naguisa?
YR: I like many models but I think I'll stick with the MARGA, both black and multicoloured.
N.: Finally, is there anything you would like to add? Any message to send to the universe, or to someone in particular? This is your time to do so…
YR: Thank you very much for the interview. I would like to take this opportunity to say, let us be responsible in the face of this difficult situation with the coronavirus.