Interview with Eli Pinedo

N.: A color.
EP: Green, especially in the eyes.

N.: A scent.
EP: The one with the clean clothes A texture, the sand of the beach on the feet on the first day of summer.

N.: A destination.
EP: Costa Rica, what a wonderful country! And its people are the best. Pure life!

N.: Do you prefer night or day? Or does it depend on what?
EP: It's almost always during the day, but at night the fever goes up, although if there's a full moon I stay with it.

N.: How did you decide that this was what you wanted to do?
EP: I didn't decide, I just kept getting training after training and without even realising it I became a professional athlete. It was what I wanted to do and I always felt very privileged to be one, I love handball.

N.: A day you will never forget.
EP: The day we were awarded the Olympic Medal at the London Games. What an adrenaline rush! Many flashes of years of sacrifice and work went through my head in less than 20 seconds, I have it engraved in my memory, forever.

N.: A project you would like to work on.
EP: I would like to give a voice to our Spanish athletes through a television programme. They are pure inspiration and talent, and it would be high-quality content for our homes and families.

N.: An athlete you admire.
EP: Michael Jordan and Rafa Nadal; the first one was full of talent, a genius. The second is a world reference, and we were neighbours in the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro. Great!

N.: A person close to you whom you also admire.
EP: My mother has always been and always will be a model person. I am happy to be half of what she is, that is the best.

N.: Choose a body part and tell us why.
EP: Let's see... does hair count? I think I'll stick with my mane; it's very docile, it responds to everything I do to it and it dresses me up a lot.

N.: Something that really excites you.
EP: Music and sport excite me. They are two worlds that I always like to bring together, where there is no difference between race, ideals or gender, and all of humanity comes together to enjoy them. When I retired from professional sport, a band that I admire wrote me a tweet that said: “#ThanksEli for creating bridges between sport and music, never retire from concerts.”

N.: A dish that makes your mouth water?
EP: Seasonal vegetables, Eneko Atxa excels at Azurmendi, you can't miss it!

N.: A musician whom you always carry with you.
EP: Vetusta Morla always accompanies me, I love their songs, they know it.

N.: A place in Alava or Madrid that we shouldn't miss.
EP: Although I am from Alava and live in Madrid, I have lived in Donostia (San Sebastian) for more than 10 years, so I will recommend a place there, although it is difficult to choose just one… but Chillida's Peine del Viento is my favourite place in the world. If you pass through Donosti, don't forget to visit it, alone or with someone, it is magical.

N.: Eli, athlete (how would you define yourself)
EP: Throughout my sporting career, I was always guided by a phrase my father told me: “Talent makes you stand out, heart makes you transcend.” I was a committed warrior and, above all, a warrior at heart. How did you find out about Naguisa? Through Instagram, I read your brand philosophy and I fell in love with it. Taking care of the planet is one of my principles, and we only have one…

N.: Your favorite Naguisa?
EP: The CIMA, without a doubt. I already have them in two colours… they are wonderful and very comfortable.

N.: Finally, is there anything you would like to add? Any message to send to the universe, or to someone in particular? This is your time to do so…
EP: I am answering this interview as we begin to emerge from the pandemic little by little, with a great desire to live, to be happy and above all to not forget the lessons that confinement has given us. That the most important thing in life is health, having your family close by and enjoying the little things. My best wishes to everyone!